Terms and Conditions

  • Preface
    Learnawy Definition:
    In these Terms “we/us/our” means Learnawy with its registered address at (Egypt, Alexandria-Wabour Elmeyah, Block 1, Pastor street ).
    Learnawy is a platform used to convey recorded content and learning material to users registered in the application, web service, user content, or Learnawy content.

    Teacher Definition
    Teachers are instructors who appear in recorded scientific material and comments.

    User Definition
    Users comprise every individual who has successfully registered for the application or website service.

  • Qualifications
    To qualify for on-site registration or application, individuals must possess the legal capacity to enter into contracts and be at least 13 years of age. Users who are below the age of 18 are required to obtain parental or guardian consent prior to accessing the website or application.
    Gratification of clauses
    The user confirms that they have sufficient time to access the items and comprehends that their use for service is contingent upon the most recent version of said items.These terms and conditions are included alongside the platform (3bqar) to inform the user of which components are permitted for use on the platform. He certifies that we have provided him with a reasonable opportunity to review and is in agreement with these terms and conditions. Furthermore, he agrees that his utilization of the platform (3bqar) shall be governed by the most up-to-date terms and conditions that are accessible on the platform... when such utilization occurs.

  • Users Prohibited
    Individuals who have previously been rejected or suspended by us.
    Individuals who have contravened these terms or any other policies or conditions that we have implemented.
    Individuals who utilize the application or website for harmful or illegal purposes.
    No unauthorized user is granted access to the website.Individuals whose accounts have been previously suspended or removed from the website are not granted access to the site.

  • Minimum age for consent
    You demonstrate that you are of legal age (as per the laws of your country) or have the consent of a guardian or guardian by utilizing this service. By clicking "Approve" or utilizing or registering for an account to access services, you confirm that you are at least 21 years old and domicile in Kuwait, that you do not currently reside in Kuwait, that you are of legal age to consent to the opening of an account in accordance with the laws of your state of residence, and that your guardian, school, or teacher for school use has authorized your use of the services. Additionally, you warrant that your account has not been previously deactivated or suspended from accessing the Platform's services, and that your registration and utilization of the services comply with all legal regulations that are valid in your country of residence.

  • Usages by children
    It is strictly forbidden for minors to utilize the services without their guardian's consent. However, they may utilize the service provided that the aforementioned platform reasonably believes they have the consent of a guardian or guardian.Young user: Without the consent and approval of your guardian or school, it may be impossible for you to establish or register a service account if you are a minor ("child user"). You attest that your guardian has reviewed and authorized the items on your behalf if you are under the age of 21. The employee, excluding accounts created for academic purposes, is a minor who initiates the registration procedure without the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Until the consent of the guardian or guardians has been obtained and the employee accepts responsibility for the child's calculation, the registration process is suspended. Under certain conditions, registration may be facilitated by educational institutions or, in certain instances, school personnel who maintain a direct affiliation with the 3bqar platform, provided that the educational institution has obtained parental or guardian consent.

  • Account
    To obtain complete access to the service, it is mandatory for you to create an account. You accept full responsibility for safeguarding your account and ensuring the confidentiality of the information you provide. In the event of a breach, you consent to receiving an immediate notification from the platform. The liability for any harm inflicted upon a platform due to unauthorized access to your account may extend to you. Regardless of your knowledge, we are not liable for any damages incurred during authorized or unauthorized use of the account.Certain service features require you to create an account, which may include the requirement for a password. You agree to accept full liability for any and all activities that occur under your account and secret number, and you are personally liable for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. You acknowledge and consent that the information furnished by Al-Qaida, whether during the registration process or at any subsequent time, is precise, current, and comprehensive. You also agree to maintain constant vigilance regarding the accuracy of the information. You    agree to a notice (providing an example) and may be held liable for any losses incurred (as an example) or others caused by unauthorized use of your account if you have reason to believe that its security is compromised (e.g., in the event that you lose, steal, disclose, or use the account identifier or password).It is not possible to transfer your account to another individual, nor can you utilize their account at any time.

  • International use
    The 3bqar platform is operational within the borders of Kuwait. By accessing the service from outside Kuwait, you grant consent for the collection and processing of your information in Kuwait.Utilization worldwide: By accessing our services from a location outside Kuwait, you consent to the collection, transfer, use, storage, and processing of data and content (including your personal information) in Kuwait. Furthermore, by utilizing our services to the extent that domestic laws permit, you agree to be bound by and individually liable for compliance with all domestic laws, regulations, and provisions of the judicial systems of the state in which you are a resident or to which the services are accessible. You will attest that you have obtained the consent of the guardian or guardians and, in the event of a request from your judicial systems, to open and approve an account for services if you fail to reach the age of majority. Without entering into a separate or reciprocal agreement with you to the contrary, we do not guarantee the suitability or availability of our services for use in systems outside of Kuwait. Judicial systems that prohibit access to and utilization of services, if any, or that deem your use of it (as a higher platform) to be in violation of general laws or legislation, including but not limited to privacy laws, do not grant the right to access and utilize such services.

  • Policy on privacy
    Your privacy is important to a platform; therefore, in order to know how to handle your information, you must familiarize yourself with the privacy policy included in these items (which is an integral part of, and supplement to, the agreement reached with you).

  • Modifications to items
    The activation dateThe aforementioned platform reserves the right to modify service items at any time it deems necessary; any such modifications shall take effect from the date they are published.Periodically, we may revise the items to reflect new or different practices or to clarify our procedures (e.g., when we add new attributes), and a platform reserves the right to modify or alter the items at any time. We will furnish you with explicit notification of any significant modifications through transparent channels, such as an email notice delivered to the e-mail address designated in your account or through the publication of a notice on our services. Amendments shall be deemed effective from the date of publication, unless otherwise specified.

  • Approval of revised items
    By maintaining an ongoing usage of our services, you consent to the incorporation of the most recent iteration of the introduced elements, thereby nullifying any prior copies.Your continued use of our services subsequent to the implementation of these modifications signifies your acceptance of them. Any items that are amended nullify the preceding items.

  • Application for a user content license
    Content ownership by usersA platform facilitates the publication of inquiries, remarks, and other types of multimedia material, as well as the transmission or addition of private comments.Content and ownership by users: A platform that allows for the presentation or dissemination of audio-visual communications, including notes, questions, comments, evaluations, reviews, photographs, videos, materials, and other content, as well as the publication, creation, or modification of computer code (including source code and object code) ("user code") (collectively referred to as "user content") may be displayed on a stand. Regardless of whether this user-generated content is published or not, the aforementioned platform cannot guarantee the privacy of any transmissions. You retain all property rights in user-generated content that you promote or publish on the 3bqar platform, in accordance with applicable law and the nature of your relationship with the platform. Furthermore, you do not assert any property rights in or with respect to this user-generated content. It is your responsibility to acknowledge that you bear sole responsibility for your user-generated content and the repercussions that may arise from advertising, producing, or distributing such content as a user on a platform that allows user-generated content (including videos, images, and user comments). It is important to note that platforms do not provide any assurance of confidentiality regarding user-generated content that is transmitted. Moreover, it is imperative that you underscore the fact that the user-generated material that you have downloaded is devoid of any falsehoods, inaccuracies, or deceptions, does not infringe upon intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or publicity or privacy rights of third parties, and does not contravene any legislation, decree, regulation, defamation, unlawful threat, or harassment; does not distribute explicit or pornographic material; and does not transmit viruses or Trojan horses. It is important to acknowledge and affirm that when utilizing a platform, it is strictly prohibited to publish, share, or engage in any behavior that could be considered harassing to another user, regardless of their level of education. You agree that if a platform is ever notified that you are engaging in any form of harassment towards other users, the platform shall have the sole authority to suspend or terminate your account immediately, and further reserves the right to pursue legal action against you at its sole discretion. A platform reserves the right to independently evaluate any audio or video content I upload in order to determine if it satisfies the internal quality standards of a platform and is compatible with a platform beyond which it will not approve user-generated content, opinions, recommendations, or advice, or is compatible with a platform above which it expressly disclaims all liability in relation to such content. If a superior platform has reason to believe that a user's content violates any copyright, it retains the prerogative to remove the user's content without prior notice.

  •  Permitting for additional users
    By publishing your content as a user, you grant other users limited and non-exclusive permission to utilize it in a way that is permitted by the platform in question or any of its services.
    User publications: By means of publishing, transmitting, or distributing user publications via services, you grant each service user a non-exclusive license to utilize and access your user publications in any manner that services enable, through which they provide a platform, or through them.

  •  Content able to load
    You must understand that while we may grant you permission to download content from the aforementioned platform or other users for non-commercial or printing purposes, this authorization is subject to change, is non-exclusive, non-convertible, and non-licensable, and is also subject to revocation.Content able to load: Certain digital educational materials or mobile phone applications may be downloadable from the services ("loadable content"). By consistently and completely adhering to the terms and conditions outlined in this document, a high platform shall authorize you to load, install, display, and utilize the target code for your personal and non-commercial purposes, solely on devices that you own or control. This authorization is limited, non-exclusive, non-convertible, and non-sublicensable. You are required to enter into an agreement that strictly prohibits the following: modifying or producing works derived from downloadable content; disrupting, circumventing, developing, or implementing any alternative solution to any technical restrictions, copyright protection, or safety features; or removing any copyrights or proprietary notices from downloadable content and all copies thereof.

  • Items and property permits
    Item properties
    A platform is built upon this service. The entirety of service materials, including visual interfaces, drawings, designs, symbols, services, content, and educational videos, are safeguarded by international copyright laws, patents, and trademarks. The sole exemption pertains to the user's content, which is governed by Act No. 22/2016, as periodically amended with regard to copyright and related rights. Assets possess and administer the aforementioned platform. Software, services, content, educational videos, exercises, compilations, information, computer code (including resulting coding or source code), and all other service elements ("service materials") are safeguarded in accordance with Kuwaiti copyright legislation, international conventions governing property rights and intellectual property, patents, and trademarks. With the exception of user-generated and user-owned content, and unless otherwise specified in this section, all service materials, brands, service marks, and trade names that are included in or accessed via services are the property or under license of a platform. The platform retains all rights not explicitly granted under these conditions to the rights contained therein.

  • Content licensed for educational use
    An Internet-based service platform company may grant access to educational videos, supplementary materials, or brief assessments through a higher platform. Individuals are provided with a non-transferable and non-exclusive privilege to utilize the shared content solely for personal, non-commercial objectives.The data and information supplied by 3bqar  to the employee shall be regarded as the property of an 3bqar company. The user shall be prohibited from utilizing the data or information for any purpose other than that which is specifically designated. Should the employee fail to fulfill this obligation, Al-Aaa reserves the right to pursue legal action in this civil or criminal matter to hold him liable for the breach and to seek compensation for any harm he may have incurred as a consequence of the breach.Content approved for educational use: Certain educational videos, supplementary materials, and related exercises ("licensed educational content"), which are either owned by the platform or by external licensees, may be made available by a platform for services. You are granted a non-exclusive and non-transferable platform to access and utilize the licensed educational content for non-commercial personal purposes, as it is made available through the platform's services. Loading, distributing, selling, leasing, modifying, or providing access to the licensed educational content of a third party is strictly prohibited with the exception of services that explicitly indicate the availability of a specific element of the licensed educational content to users under alternative licence conditions.

  • Objective of licensed material
    The licensed educational materials are for the purpose of non-commercial individual use.
    The authorized educational materials and the authorized educational code are intended solely for individual, non-commercial use. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Al-Qaida, the licensed educational content may not be used, distributed, or exploited for any commercial purpose, commercial advantage, or special monetary compensation, without limitation of the foregoing and notwithstanding the terms of any alternative license to the licensed educational content.

  • Contribution payment, refunds, and promotional codes
    Receivables Obligations Obligations must be settled online via an efficient and dependable payment method using a platform that you will provide to the client. It is important to note that the value of the contribution is non-refundable in the event that the subscription to the platform is terminated.
    You agree to refrain from using an invalid or unauthorized payment method when you make a purchase. You hereby agree to remit the appropriate fees within ten days of receiving notice from us, in the event that your payment method fails but you are still able to access the course where you registered. We reserve the right to deny access to any cycle for which we have not received the estimated financial entitlements; in the event that the contribution is canceled, you will be required to provide an online account for the transfer of the contribution's value; and if payment is not received, we will revoke access to that cycle.

  •  value membership
    There will be a discrepancy between the prices displayed on the content site and the currencies utilized in the application in relation to the website.The foreign exchange rate is applied to the processing of every foreign exchange transfer. In general, this price denotes the quantity of one currency that is required to purchase a specified quantity of another currency at a particular moment.

  • Value of recovered contributions
    Although the contribution value is final, refunds may be issued by the platform in exceptional circumstances, at its discretion.If we determine that you are exploiting our recovery policy in any way, including if you have already recovered the course or have consumed a significant portion of the training course and wish to recover your money, we reserve the right to deny your request for a refund, suspend your account, or impose limitations on your future service usage. You will not be eligible for recovery if we block your account or delay your access to a training course due to your violation of these terms or our trust and safety instructions.

  • promotional vouchers
    A Learnawy platform or its partners may provide students with promotional and gift codes. These sums are non-recoverable in cash or through an application process, and any promotional value associated with them may expire after the designated time period has passed.
    Potentially providing a platform for student gift codes and promotions. As per the terms and conditions outlined in your code, a portion of the codes may be redeemed against the prepaid balances that have been applied to your 3bqar platform. These redeemed balances may subsequently be utilized to purchase qualifying courses on our platform. Certain cycles may permit the direct recovery of alternative codes. Purchases made with prepaid funds are not compatible with our mobile or television applications.

  • Prohibited behavior
    Use for non-commercial purposes
    You agree not to utilize the services for any commercial purpose unless the aforementioned platform expressly authorizes you to do so in writing.Utilization of services for any form of commercial use or purpose, unless explicitly authorized in writing by the platform; usage of services solely for non-commercial personal purposes; and relevant service usage.

  • Transfer or sub-licensing of content You agree that no service materials may be rented, sub-licensed, or otherwise transported.No rental, loan, sale, resale, sublicensing, distribution, or transfer of licenses for service items is permitted unless expressly authorized.

  • Defamation
    Failure to comply with the agreement to refrain from publishing inaccurate content or defamatory remarks will result in legal repercussions.
    It is imperative to refrain from publishing, uploading, or distributing any content, including that of a defamatory, slanderous, or inaccurate user, in order to prevent any potential criminal or civil liability.  

  • Distribution of illicit material
    You must consent to refrain from publishing any content that is unlawful, aggressive, or inappropriate.
    It is prohibited to publish, upload, or distribute any content that is unlawful or that could be considered pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, disturbing, obnoxious, or incites hatred or abuse on racial, otherwise inappropriate, or abusive grounds by a reasonable person.

  •  Causes of Injury to Children
    Engaging in any activity that causes harm to minors or others in general is strictly prohibited and carries both criminal and civil liability. 
    Away from criminal and civil liability by refraining from utilizing services in a manner that endangers minors, contravenes community guidance, or causes harm to others.

  • Impersonating others
    You are required to enter into a non-impersonation agreement, refrain from making false accusations, restrict access to others' accounts, and abstain from any other form of fraudulent behavior.
    It is strictly prohibited to engage in fraudulent activity, impersonate any individual or organization, falsely assert membership in an organization or person, gain unauthorized access to the accounts of third-party services, or falsify any other affiliation.

  • he removal of copyright
    You must consent to a platform's retention of copyrights and other property notices that are associated with licensed services or educational content.
    Avoid removing copyright or other property rights notices from platforms, services, licensed educational content, licensed educational legislation, or platform 3bqar.

  • Support for Intellectual Property Litigation
    It is mandatory for you to provide an undertaking to refrain from aiding any third party in intellectual property disputes that involve a platform higher than it or its subordinates.Inadequate verification, authorization, support, or encouragement of a third party to verify any intellectual property infringement claim, patent violation, or user content claim pertaining to licensed educational content, educational code, or user content that I have utilized, supplied, or rendered accessible via services against a platform or any of its licensees.

  •  Prohibited use
    You must consent to refrain from offering to incite or send unsolicited email correspondence to other users.
    It is impermissible to send unsolicited or harmful e-mails to other service users or users of organizations (including, but not limited to, non-incitemental declarations, promotional material, or any other promotional material, or multiple mail for commercial advertising, postal chain, information advertising, charitable orders, or signature petitions) that do not constitute offers other than incitement, advertising, or proposals.

  • Extortion
    Without their consent, you must agree not to slander, harass, threaten, mistreat, or collect information.
    Conducting service users through means such as non-stigmatization, harassment, ill-treatment, threats, manipulation, or the unauthorized collection or attempt to obtain their personal information.

  • Extortion
    Without their consent, you must agree not to slander, harass, threaten, mistreat, or collect information.
    Conducting service users through means such as non-stigmatization, harassment, ill-treatment, threats, manipulation, or the unauthorized collection or attempt to obtain their personal information.

  •  disrupting the service
    You agree not to remove, disrupt, destroy, circumvent, or interfere with the service, content, or user content's security features. This principle is also applicable to benefits that restrict or prevent the reproduction or use of content made available via the service, as well as benefits that impose limitations on the utilization of the service, its content, or user-generated material.
    Infractions of the safety mechanisms governing the reproduction or use of content accessible via services or features that impose restrictions on the use of services, licensed educational content, licensed educational codes, or user content, including failing to remove, circumvent, disrupt, destroy, or interfere with such mechanisms.

  • Reverse Engineering.You must enter into a non-disclosure agreement prohibiting reverse engineering, decryption, disassembly, and any other attempt to uncover the source code for services or its components.
    Reverse engineering, decryption, disassembly, or any attempt to uncover the source code for services or any component thereof is strictly prohibited, unless explicitly authorized to do so by this legislation notwithstanding this restriction.

  • Copying firm
    A non-modification, adaptation, translation, or creation of derivative works based on the services or any portion thereof is required.
    It is strictly forbidden to modify, adapt, translate, or produce derivative works based on services or any portion thereof, unless authorized to do so by a platform listed in this document or in cases where the aforementioned restrictions are expressly prohibited by the aforementioned legislation.

  • Service-based intervention
    You must consent to the prohibition of intentionally disrupting or destroying the functioning of services or any user's enjoyment of them.
    Intentional disruption, damage, or deprivation of services by a user through any method, such as spreading or participating in denial-of-service attacks, uploading and running malicious software, transmitting viruses, espionage software, mobile viruses, or other harmful symbols.

  • Termination and duration
    Activation of force
    Unless your account is terminated as detailed below, the terms remain in effect throughout the service; in that case, your right to use the service will be forfeited.For the duration of your use of the services, these terms remain fully valid and enforceable, unless you terminate your account in accordance with the terms of these conditions; in that case, you will no longer be permitted to use the services.

  • Termination as indicated by platform
    A platform shall retain the right to terminate, suspend, or disregard your account and any information associated with it, in whole or in part. Such a change may be made with or without prior notice. You must consent to the fact that we shall not be liable to you or any other party for the aforementioned termination. Suspicious illegal activity may be reported to the appropriate authorities for referral
    .A platform above reserves the right to suspend or terminate any account (or portion thereof) or use of its services at any time, with or without cause, and without penalty. Suspending or terminating an account entails removing the entire account, user profile, and user content at any time. Additionally, a platform may suspend or terminate operations at its discretion and discontinue access to its services or any portion thereof at any time, with or without prior notice. You agree that without prior notice, any termination of your access to services or any account you may have, in whole or in part, may be implemented. You acknowledge and agree that the aforementioned platform shall not be held liable to you or any other party in the event of such termination. Suspicious instances of fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful behavior may be reported to the appropriate authorities.

  • Final User
    If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service, your sole recourse is to terminate your account by providing written notice to the platform.Termination by you: Your sole recourse for any dissatisfaction with the services provided shall be to provide written notice of a platform.

  • User-specified method of separation
    To close your account, you are required to communicate with us via email.

  • Responsibilities for Pre-Term Activities
    Responsibility for pre-term activities shall not be prejudiced by the termination of the terms of any utilized account for the rights of the Al-Qaida Platform or compensation for any violation of conditions prior to such termination. Right to remedy or ability to enforce conditions upon termination of a used account shall not be impaired for any violation of said conditions that occurred prior to the termination.

  • Authority and assurances
    Assurance against service abuse
    You warrant, represent, and agree that you will not provide any User Content or   otherwise use the Services in a manner that infringes, violates, or misappropriates another's intellectual property rights, rights of publicity or privacy, or other rights; or violates any international, federal, regulation or which would render Learnawy in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, including without limitation, Applicable Privacy Laws (collectively, "Applicable Law").
    Representations and Warranties: You warrant, represent, and agree that you will not provide any User Content or otherwise use the Services in a manner that infringes, violates, or misappropriates another's intellectual property rights, rights of publicity or privacy, or other rights; or violates any international, federal, regulation or which would render Learnawy in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, including without limitation, Applicable Privacy Laws (collectively, "Applicable Law").

  • Indemnification
    Agreement to Indemnify Learnawy
    If you behave in a way that gets us in legal trouble, we may exercise legal recourse against you. You agree to indemnify, defend (if we so request), and hold harmless Learnawy, our group companies, and their officers, directors, suppliers, partners, and agents against any third-party claims, demands, losses, damages, or expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising from: the content you post or submit, your use of the Services, your violation of these Terms, or your violation of any rights of a third party. Your indemnification obligation will survive the termination of these Terms and your use of the Services.
    Indemnification: You agree, to the extent permissible under your applicable laws, to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Learnawy, and its parent, successors, affiliated companies, contractors, officers, directors, employees, agents and its third-party suppliers, licensors, and partners ("Learnawy Parties") from and against all losses, damages, liabilities, demands, judgments, settlements, costs and expenses of any kind (including legal fees and costs), from any claim or demand made by any third-party relating to or arising out of (i) your access to, use or misuse of the Services; (ii) your breach or alleged breach of these Terms, or any violation of the Terms; (iii) any breach of the representations, warranties, and covenants made herein, whether by you or by any Child User or School User whose account you have approved as a Parent User or School Personnel; (iv) your failure to comply with Applicable Laws (including any failure to obtain or provide any necessary consent or notice); (v) the infringement by you or any third-party using your account of any intellectual property, privacy, or other right of any person or entity, including in connection with your User Content, or (vi) your breach or alleged breach of any interaction, agreement, or policy between you and any other Users. Learnawy reserves the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify Learnawy, and you agree to cooperate with Learnawy's defense of these claims. You agree not to settle any such matter without the prior written consent of Learnawy. Learnawy will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action, or proceeding upon becoming aware of it.

  •  Evacuate accountability; no assurances provided.
    Delivering the service in its current state.
    The provisions of services and their contents are made "as they are" and "as available." We (along with our subsidiaries, partners, suppliers, and agents) do not provide any assurances or declarations regarding the suitability, dependability, accessibility, punctuality, security, absence of mistakes, precision, or substance of the services. We further release our explicit and complete liability for any conditions or safeguards (whether explicit or implicit), such as those pertaining to marketing, ownership, convenience for a specific purpose, and non-compliance. We (our affiliates, suppliers, partners, and agents) do not guarantee that your utilization of our services will result in any particular outcome. The entire liability for your use of services (including any content) rests with you.
    None are assured. All data, information, software, site materials, content (whether owned or licensed), user-generated content, reference sites, services, or applications accessible via the site "Al-Al-Pairau" shall be provided "as is," "as it is available," and "with all errors." Parties shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, waive all legal, explicit, and implicit safeguards and conditions, including but not limited to those pertaining to non-interference, marketing, quality, availability, quiet enjoyment, convenience, and ownership. Whatever advice or information one may obtain from the Al-3bqar platform or its website that does not explicitly state the creation of security has not been included here. This includes both written and verbal sources. 

  • Content presentation through its image
    It may happen that our platform is down, either for planned maintenance or because something goes down with the site. It may happen that one of our instructors is making misleading statements in their course. It may also happen that we encounter security issues. These are just examples. You accept that you will not have any recourse against us in any of these types of cases where things do not work outright.
    Content: Learnawy, and the Learnawy parties, do not warrant that the website or any data, user content, functions, or any other information offered on or through the website will be uninterrupted or free of errors, viruses, or other harmful components and do not warrant that any of the foregoing will be corrected. Learnawy and the Learnawy parties make no representation or warranty that the Learnawy offerings will: meet your requirements or expectations, or be to your liking, or will be timely, secure, accurate, free from errors or loss, or uninterrupted, (2) that the services are free from viruses or other harmful components, or (3) that any defects or errors will be corrected. Some features may be new or experimental and may not have been tested in any manner.

  • discharges were issued to those responsible for computer damage
    Any damage to your computer or device that results from the use of our services or content is beyond our liability.
    Complicate matters concerning computer damage: acknowledge and consent that any utilization, loading, entering, or other interaction with content, website material, software, or data via the website (particularly via application programming interfaces) is at your own discretion and risk. Furthermore, you agree that you shall bear exclusive liability for any harm inflicted upon your property, including your computer system. An alternative possibility is the loss of data.

  • Right to modify one's service
    Without assuming any liability, we reserve the right to discontinue the provision of specific portions of the service or content at any time and for any reason. We reserve the right to discontinue the provision of particular service benefits for any reason at any time. A platform, its subsidiaries, suppliers, partners, or agents shall not be liable for any harm or damage resulting from the unavailability or interruption of such benefits.

  • Fate, predetermined events, and force majeure
    We shall be held liable for any harm resulting from divine providence, unforeseen circumstances, or force majeure.
    We shall not be held liable for any service delays or failures caused by circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to sabotage, war, natural disasters, electrical, network, or radio outages, government restrictions, force majeure, or force majeure.

  •  Damages and liability are limited
    Limitation of liability
    We do not bear liability for any type of financial or legal loss, including but not limited to the loss of lawsuits involving the aforementioned platform.
    Limited liability: No substitute or party shall be liable for any private, indirect, incidental, collateral, punitive, exemplary, or interest-bearing damage (e.g., damages resulting from unsuccessful legal proceedings, lost revenue or interest, missing data, financial or other damage of any kind), regardless of the cause (including but not limited to negligence). This provision applies even if a platform or its parties are informed of the potential liability. In the event that the applicable law prohibits exclusive liability, limitation, incidental injury, or collateral damage, the aforementioned limitation may not apply to you. When this occurs, the liability of the platform shall be restricted to the greatest extent allowed by the relevant legislation.

  • Compensation restrictions
    A superior platform will not compensate a user for damages in excess of the amount initially paid to that platform.
    Limited compensation: The value you have paid to a platform, if any, shall not exceed the full liability of Learnawy and its parties for damages, losses, and reasons for the act arising from or relating to the terms of your use of the website or your interaction with users of another site (including negligence, bail, or otherwise, as stipulated in the contract or in default liability).

  • Fifty Reasons for Bartering
    You acknowledge and concur that we have provided you and a platform above with a logical and equitable risk allocation, and that these terms shall govern any transactions between the two parties. Without these limitations, a platform will be incapable of providing you with service in a rational and economic manner.Premises for the trade: Platform LEAERNAWY  has presented the website and agreed to the terms and conditions in accordance with the discharge of responsibility and limitation of liability outlined in this document. Platform Learnawy further acknowledges and agrees that the discharge of responsibility and limitation of liability outlined in this document reflect the rational and equitable distribution of risks between Platform 3bqar and yourself.

  • User responsibility for user response
    The 3bqar platform does not bear liability for the conduct of third parties, including yourself, during the provision of the service. You must continue to investigate and avoid potential dangers. We reserve the prerogative, without being obligated to do so, to participate in these conflicts to any extent.
    Disputes with users: Learnawy's platform does not bear liability for the actions, data, content, or information of any third party, including other users. Furthermore, it is entirely your responsibility to manage your interactions with other service users and any other entities with whom you interact via the service. It is imperative that you conduct any research you deem necessary or essential prior to participating in any interactions with other individuals, whether online or offline. We retain the prerogative, without being obligated to do so, to intervene in these disputes.

  • Eliminating the liability associated with user interactions on a Learnawy platformAbandon any liability associated with disputes that may arise as a result of user interactions with the platform
    Evacuation: You agree to indemnify (3bqar platform) our party against any claims, damages (actual or collateral), or claims or claims (actual or collateral) of any kind or nature, whether known or unknown, and specify who or in any case relevant to such disputes, including damages resulting from profit loss, in good faith, from use, privacy, or data.

  • Miscellaneous provisions (including arbitration and dispute resolution)
    No bind

    Inability of a superior platform to fulfill this agreement shall not be considered a waiver of this right. Such a waiver may only be implemented in writing.
    Waiver: A platform's inability to implement or enforce a particular right or provision does not automatically amount to a waiver of said right or provision. Any provision that is not explicitly written and signed from the Ali platform shall not be waived.

  • Governing Law
    They are governed by the regulations and stipulations of the State of Kuwait, with no regard to any conflict of law that may result from the application of legislation from other states.
    Regulation: The terms and conditions are subject to the jurisdiction and interpretation of the laws of the State of Kuwait, excluding any principles of conflict of law that could result in the application of the laws of another state.

  • Advise
    You or an individual in a position of authority above the platform are required to provide the opposing party with a written statement that details the proposed resolution, the facts that led to the dispute, and the name and address of the contact point.Notification of dispute: In the event of a dispute, you or a platform are required to provide the other party with a written statement that details the proposed resolution, the facts that led to the dispute, and the name and address of the point of contact ("notification of the dispute"). It is mandatory to transmit any notice of dispute through the email provided by the platform.

  • Exemptation from collective action
    You are not permitted to participate in a class action in any way.Exemption from class action liability. All processes involved in the resolution or settlement of disputes in any forum shall be executed exclusively on an individual basis. Ali and you will not participate in the resolution of any dispute collectively or in any other proceeding where either party acts or intends to act on behalf of the other. A merger of procedures or arbitrations shall not occur without the prior written consent of all parties to the proceedings or arbitrations that are affected.

  •  Prolonged period of the case
    It is governed by the generally recognized regulations of the State of Kuwait, which are legislated.

  • The autonomy of the contract
    In the event that any provision of the terms is deemed unlawful or unenforceable, said provision shall be eliminated exclusively, while the remainder of the contract shall remain in effect.
    The validity or continued validity of the contract in the absence of specific conditions that are not applicable. In the event that any provision or item, including guidance, is deemed unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, this clause shall be modified or removed to the minimum extent required, without affecting the remaining provisions' validity and enforceability.

  • Assignment
    The rights or licenses granted to you under this agreement may not be waived without the prior written consent of a superior platform.
    Waiver: Without the platform's prior written consent, the applicable terms and instructions, as well as any rights and licenses granted under this document, may not be transferred or waived.

  • Continuity
    Continuity In the event that the conditions are terminated, they shall continue to be valid until their expiration or termination, as per their express terms or by their very nature.

  •  Headings Titles
    For your convenience, title references are provided here.

  • Entire Agreement
    General Convention: The entirety of the Convention between you and a platform regarding this subject shall consist of the clauses, privacy policy, and guidance. Any amendments to the Convention must be in writing, signed by both parties, or implemented through a platform that modifies the conditions, privacy policy, or guidance.

  • Binding Agreement
    When utilizing this service on behalf of the organization, authorization must be confirmed.Trainers who utilize our services on behalf of a business, institution, government, or other legal entity and accept these terms and conditions are required to verify their authorization.
    To facilitate comprehension by the other party, irrespective of nationality or language, any copy of these conditions must be provided in a language other than Arabic. The other party acknowledges that the Arabic language shall hold final authority in the event of any dispute.

  • Essential language
    To facilitate comprehension by the other party, irrespective of nationality or language, any copy of these conditions must be provided in a language other than Arabic. The other party acknowledges that the Arabic language shall hold final authority in the event of any dispute.

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